Our community-based Dollars for Scholars network distributes local scholarships to local students.
As the nation’s most extensive grassroots scholarship program, Dollars for Scholars provides a wealth of student assistance by harnessing the power of community—thousands of volunteers and donors empowering students in their own backyards.
Community-based. Volunteer-driven.
Get Involved
If you’re part of Dollars for Scholars already, you can log into ChapterNet here. If you’re considering volunteering, you don’t have to be an expert in scholarships, financial aid or higher education — you just need a passion for students.
Discover existing chapters and see the one closest to you. All groups have websites where you can get directly in touch with local leaders and get involved.
When you donate, your dollar is invested in students so they can thrive. You can support your local Dollars for Scholars or the Dr. Irving Fradkin Legacy Fund, which provides support for outstanding Dollars for Scholars chapters.
Being involved in this organization has taught me what a small group of community-minded people can accomplish. I’m really grateful for the people in our community. It has been a pleasure working with Dollars for Scholars because it is all of us together.
Roxanne “Rocky” Thompson,
2018 Dollars for Scholars Volunteer of the Year, Swanville, MN
Dollars for Scholars is dedicated to hometown student success.
volunteers across America
chapters nationwide
million distributed last year
students supported last year
Questions? We've got answers.
Fill out the form to connect with the Dollars for Scholars team.
If you’re a student looking for scholarships, this isn’t the form for you! Visit our website to start your search.