Planned and Estate Giving - Scholarship America

Planned and Estate Giving Impact Our Organization Today and Tomorrow


By making Scholarship America part of your legacy, you are creating opportunities for students for years to come.

Download Our Planned Giving Brochure

Why make a Planned Gift?

  • Your passion for education will continue long into the future
  • You can enjoy immediate or deferred tax benefits for you and your family
  • Your contribution will provide long-term support to our students and our mission
  • We will partner with you to ensure your priorities are valued

Contact Andrea Smith, VP of Development, to discuss Planned Giving.

Five Ways to Give

Learn more about the tools to impact student success

“I believe investing in education has the most clear payoff on investment one can make. It’s a way to serve others literally forever.”
William K. Reilly, former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator and Scholarship America supporter