In the News: Scholarship America on KARE-11 and the Wall Street Journal - Scholarship America

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In the News: Scholarship America on KARE-11 and the Wall Street Journal

By Matt Konrad

Scholarship America President & CEO Robert C. Ballard has appeared twice in recent weeks on Minneapolis/St. Paul NBC affiliate KARE-11, providing expert perspective on issues of scholarship displacement and taxation. You can watch both appearances below.

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In the segment above, Ballard and Dream Award Scholar Charmi Patel discuss “scholarship displacement” — what happens when students earn private scholarships and find their financial aid packages from their schools slashed.

Below, Ballard and Minnesota college student Sarah Brakebill-Hacke talk about the unexpected burden of scholarship taxation. As students’ cost of living rises, more and more are turning to scholarship funds to help with books, fees, transportation and living expenses — but under current law, scholarship money used for those vital expenses is subject to taxation at a high rate. We look at how one student was affected, and at how we’re working to change the current regulations.

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Finally, Ballard spoke to the Wall Street Journal recently for a piece on identifying and avoiding scholarship scams.

“It only takes a few to make it worthwhile for the scammers. As long as there are people who are biting, it’s going to continue,” says Mr. Ballard, who also serves on the board of the National Scholarship Providers Association.

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