Arisdine Krikorian Scholarship Program
Students of Armenian descent in the Greater Boston metropolitan area* can earn one of 20 awards from the Arisdine Krikorian Scholarship Program.
Applicants must be current high school seniors, undergraduates, or graduate level students of Armenian descent, planning to enroll in full-time study an accredited two- or four-year college/university in the Greater Boston, MA metropolitan area for the entire upcoming academic year. Applicants must also have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
Award amounts are dependent on the number of eligible applicants, and could range up to a maximum of $5,000. Funds may be used for qualified education-related expenses (tuition, fees, books, and required supplies) only, and recipients may reapply to the program each cycle they meet eligibility requirements.
*Greater Boston is defined as Norfolk, Suffolk, Plymouth, Middlesex, and Essex counties in Massachusetts, plus Rockingham and Strafford counties in New Hampshire.